BYRA tries to support our aquatic neighbours whenever possible! One recent example involved the Bei Loon Dragon Boat Club! Read on....!
On Saturday 8 March, Bei Loon Dragon Boat Club held its annual Challenge Regatta out of Rowland Reserve.
A record 24 crews representing 34 clubs competed in 4 separate races over the 9.6 km course to Church Point around Scotland Island and return.
The Rhodes-based club DSA won in testing conditions in 46.43 from Ryde (47.20) and Mako (47.32).
50% of the competing clubs came from outside Sydney, including a five club representation from the ACT and Wagga and crews from Orange and Bathurst.
BYRA assisted greatly by providing our RIB, driven by BYRA member John Simmonds, as one of the Regatta safety boats.
The racing photo shows the overall 1st and 2nd placegetters neck and neck with just over 2 kms to go.
Thank you to George Webster, their Race Director, for the update!